Organizations can be created to help characters earn passive income, develop their fame, or to simply to provide extra goals and challenges. There are a few stats are of interest when dealing with organizations.
Organization Type - For Profit, Non-Profit, Guild, Association
Purpose - What is the goal of your organization? Are you Merchants, mechanics or assassin's for hire? The purpose of your organization will help your Space Lord choose fitting objectives.
Resource Factor - A measure of the amount and quality of assets that the organization has control of.
Expense - Expense is incurred at the start of each game-play session. It can be paid either from personal or organizational funds.
Income - Income is deposited to organizational funds at the start of each game-play session.
Org Points - Org Points are awarded when you complete organizational objectives, and can be spent to upgrade your organization.
Organization Types
For Profit -
Non-Profit -
Guild -
Association -